Sunday, April 8, 2012

Coulon High School

1.  Describe the purposes for and various stages of formative evaluation of technology plan.

The purpose for formative evaluation of a technology plan is to evaluate the probability of success of the plan. In the process of evaluation of a plan if it is found that the plan is not conducive for success, steps may be taken to revise and re-evaluate the plan. Evaluation is also a tool that allows for more successful program management (Krathwohl, 1998).

2.  Describe your instruments used in a formative evaluation.

The instruments used in my formative evaluation are teacher surveys, student surveys, STaR Chart results and self-reports. These instruments are being used to match the potential participants goals with the goals of the technology plan. The methods of presenting these evaluations are small group, one-to-one, and a field test. Success is determined by the level of mastery or accomplishments of each of the goals in the technology plan (Tessmer, 1993).

3.  Collect data according to a formative evaluation plan for a given set of technology plan or
     instructor presentation.

The following methods will be used to collect data regarding the effectiveness of the technology plan: A survey was conducted during the needs assessment phase of the development of the technology plan. To evaluate the progress of proposed staff development activities observation and comparison of the staff development sign-in sheets and attendees survey sheets will continue to be done after each staff development session. To evaluate the acquisition of new hardware and software inventory of equipment and software will be conducted and records kept in a database. In order to observe the amount of funds acquired and spent on technology, the technology budget will be compared to prior year’s budgets and a listing of what it was spent on will be observed. To measure the effectiveness of classroom activities teacher lesson plans will be observed and student portfolios will show evidence of technology integration (Flagg, 1990).


Flagg, Barbara N. 1990. Formative evaluation for educational technologies. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publisher.

Krathwohl, David R. 1998. Methods of educational & social science research: An integrated approach. New York: Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc.

Tessmer, Martin. 1993. Planning and conducting formative evaluation. London: Taylor & Francis Group.


  1. I like how you described the purpose of a formative evaluation plan. I found another source that stated it well too, "It's like having someone look over your shoulder during the development phase to help you catch things that you miss, but a fresh set of eye might not." (Formative vs Summative Evaluation) I think these plans help because they can help you try out concepts or get advice on what to change before wasting valuable time.

    Formative vs Summative Evaluation. Retrieved from

  2. I don't know why I didn't think to use Star Chart results as an evaluation tool! What a great idea. I think it could make a strong case for improving technology support at my school if we looked at the Star Chart ratings. Is this proving true for you?

    1. Yes STaR ratings are a valuable asset to us. I sat in a Technology Planning meeting and heard first hand how my district uses these results to keep technology up to date and provide viable training to our teachers.

    2. That's so cool. Maybe I will have that opportunity soon.

  3. Rita,
    I know that our district give the STaR chart survey to find out the strengths and weakness of the staff and school but what or how would you suggest using this tool so that more relevant data will be received?

    1. I think if the school's technology committee would tally the results of the data and use it to develop a technology plan on the school level we would see even more improvement in teacher use of technology and student achievement.


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